Sunday, January 3, 2021

Bold and Determined

Victor Pride has a lot of advice for men. His main thesis is to quit the 9-to-5 job and build your own business. He is also a strong advocate for lifting heavy weights in the gym. He advises you to carpe diem and start now. He recommends you eat steaks with lots of butter.

Pride is against going into debt. He has advice to avoid laziness. The most concrete is to have written goals daily and achieve them early in the morning. He says that you should be obsessed about building your business and avoid hobbies.

Pride does think that you need one day off a week to relax. But every other day should be 110% effort towards your goals. I suspect his writing comes from his blog. Each of the many chapters are short stand-alone ideas. I would not mind reading another of his advice books.

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