Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Perfect Failure - Fante Bukowski Three

Fante is living on his own. He is late on his rent. He wants to break out as a famous writer to prove he is not a failure to his father. We learn that when younger, he went on stage and shared his prose. However he was boo-ed off stage.

Fante gets a gig ghost writing an autobiography for a Disney channel star. This gives him a sizeable advance. Initially Fante just inserts his own history into the book. The publisher balks at this. So Fante has to sell out and write according to the star's history.

Fante's dad has a stroke. So Fante needs to fly back to his hometown. Fante's friend Norma is giving her final live performance that Fante will miss due to this trip. Fante goes to the hospital and, while his dad is knocked out, reconciles with him.

In the end, nobody shows up for Norma's live performance. Near the end of her time slot, Fante shows up to support her. Norma is happy. There is a hint that she may even be in love with Fante. They both share their real names with each other.

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