Monday, January 18, 2021

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry

I have watched author Neil DeGrasse Tyson speak a number of times. He seemed interesting. So did the subject matter. However the guy goes into describing the moments after the Big Bang, spouting out all kinds of vocabulary that he never defines. What a waste. Did he even get a novice to review his writing?

Tyson does make some interesting observations. But they get lost among his discussion of complicated matter that just won't make sense to the average person. Yeah. I get that he has a Ph.D in Astrophysics. That does not mean he should not break complex topics down into understandable prose.

This book was a huge disappointment. I only got one-third of the way in before I gave up. Maybe this guy should hire a ghost writer to help explain physics to the regular person. I even had a couple semesters of physics in college and I could not understand a lot of why this guy was writing.

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