Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Last Cabin

Jo's husband dies. She decides to take her daughters and move up on the mountain. She becomes self sufficient in her cabin. Jo needs to heal from the trauma, and finds reverting back to a simpler life is the best way.

Jo's oldest daughter goes into the city for college. Then the EMP blast hits. All power and electronics are wiped out. To make matters much worse, terrorists and out to kill as many Americans as possible. Jo must head onto campus to retrieve her daughter.

Mom and daughter are reunited just in time. They make the trip back to the cabin. Jo goes out to help the locals townspeople defend against the terrorists. This gives the terrorists an opportunity to snatch Jo's youngest daughter.

Jo and her oldest daughter need to do a rescue mission to retrieve the youngest daughter. The terrorists have realized that Jo is a worthy opponent. So they have called in reinforcements. There are other ideas going on in this book, like Jo slowly being interested in the local sheriff. Also Jo has a good relationship with Mags, who runs the local grocery store.

Overall a good book from a great author. Combination of preppers dealing with the end of the world scenarios.

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