Sunday, December 6, 2020

'89 Walls

Seth is a high school student. He has had a crush on Quinn since entering high school. In his senior year, he decides to pass her a note declaring his love. At the time, Quinn has a rich boyfriend. Eventually she break ups with said boyfriend and dates Seth.

Quinn herself is from a relatively wealthy family. She and Seth share a history class together. Then have a cool teacher who engages them with current political events. This drives Quinn to debate her own father, something getting into heated arguments with him.

Seth is poor. His dad died at war when Seth was young. His mom has multiple sclerosis. As a result, Seth must work a job and figures he needs to forget about college to take care of his mom. His history teacher talks him into applying for college. When Seth tells him mom about this, she eventually kills herself.

Quinn goes away to college in Washington DC. Seth moves in with his aunt. But he plans to apply for financial aid and go to college himself a semester later. Is there a sequel in the works here?

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