Sunday, November 29, 2020

Broken Lines

An EMP blast has killed all power and electronics. People devolve in Mike's neighborhood. Many demand that he share the food he has stored away for such an event. Luckily, he has an old Jeep that survived the EMP blast. He also has a cabin in the woods that should be safe from the neighborhood.

Unfortunately there is a biker gang set up in a town close to Mike's cabin. And the gang members are really bad people. Mike and his family will have to wage war against the gang. The battle begins when Mike's daughter sneaks out and tries to take on the gang herself.

Mike finds a farmer close to his cabin. The farmer has gone crazy like the people from Mike's old neighborhood. The farmer wants to kill everybody in Mike's cabin, and steal Mike's stash of ammo. Luckily, the farmer's son Billy, who initially shot at Mike to scare him off, decides that it would be wrong to wipe out good people like Mike.

Eventually Mike and his family travel to a big city that allegedly has regained some power. Wouldn't you know it? The city is run by the troops that work for an evil guy who wants to essentially take over the USA. They just enlisted Mike because he is a survivor and a warrior.

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