Friday, June 29, 2012


Day: Friday, June 29, 2012
Book: A Field Guide To High School
Pages read:69-77
Time: 20 minutes

We discussed school spirit, traditions and weird private-school stuff according to the book.    Our discussion started in the car as we were heading out for ice cream. Little seemed very confused about what he had read earlier in the day. He did remember reading about Secret Santa but didn't quite have the facts straight so we reconvened after he had time to review.

Upon reviewing, we discussed that each class has a cleanup job, to which two students are assigned each week.  Little thought it was a good idea depending on the job assigned and if they were equal amounts of work for each class.  He also liked that they called their lost and found, Pandora's Box. I was interested to find out they still had recess in high school. It was complete with snacks of milk and cookies. YUM YUM! Makes you want to go to that high school.

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