Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day Off

Day: Monday, July 2, 2012
Book: A Field Guide To High School
Pages read:78-91
Time: 20 minutes

Have you ever heard of "Wellington Day"?

This is the name of the headmaster's dog (or was) and if the current headmaster's dog relieves himself in a particular place on campus then the students get the next day off. This is a novel idea, too bad public schools haven't tried it.

 The other funny part of the book was the break down of the freshman class: 3 football-players, 1 slut, 1 gay boy who doesn't know it yet, 1 crazy as in cuckoo girl, 1 legacy son, 6 geeky short guys, 1 class clown, 1 weirdo, 2 popped-collar preps, 2 hippie girls, 2 skater dudes, 2 juvie boys, 8 nondescript girls, 1 Mafia princess, 1 undeserving queen bee, 2 mean girls, 1 androgynous outcast, 1 scary smart guy, 1 old-money snob, 1 black girl, 1 Indian boy, 1 goth girl, your 1 friend, and you! This is DEFINITELY not public school!

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