Sunday, December 11, 2016

Is Everyone Handing Out Without Me?

Before reading this book, I did not know much about Mindy Kaling. She had a small role on the TV show The Office. I heard a podcast of a guy interviewing her. What I heard was not what I expected. Even though her look indicate she is of Indian descent, she was actually born and raised here in the USA.

After reading just a few pages of the book, I have decided that I am in love with her writing. This comes at a good time for me. I just read a painfully bad book that I had to slog through. This was a pleasant change.

Mindy wrote about her life starting from the younger years. She was a fat Indian girl in a Caucasian neighborhood. Her mom and dad were hard working, busy professionals. She had two older brothers. Mindy attended an Ivy League college.

Then she went to New York to get into show business. She had some odd jobs to pay the rent in the early years. She and a friend put together a play that was successful. Mindy says that was in part due to their guerilla marketing schemes.

Mindy's play went on to a bigger off-Broadway theater, and got picked up to be a TV show. It did not pan out. But Mindy did get asked to write for The Office. The rest is history. I am very excited to read Mindy's follow on autobiography. I already bought the book. Just need to dive in.

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