Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Commodork: Sordid Tales from a BBS Junkie

This book was written by Rob O'Hara. He goes by the handle Jack Flack. Rob grew up with a Commodore 64 computer. And he got into running a BBS. Essentially the job was finding new software to pirate and distribute to users who dialed into his computer.

Rob is from Oklahoma. He describes the local BBS scene there. I guess in the old days, you would dial into BBSs in your local area code to avoid long distance phone charges. So the characters in this story are mostly an Oklahoma crew from the old school.

Like most warez dealers, there is treachery afoot in his stories. He is stealing software. Sometimes he is getting robbed. The strange thing is that Rob is pretty good in colorfully describing the scene. He also gives you a glimpse into the method behind the madness.

The Internet came in the late 1990s and made the BBS world essentially obsolete. This book was mid sized. It was entertaining and a quick read. Although I do disagree with many of the antics performed by the author, he was good at telling his story.

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