Saturday, November 26, 2016

Embed with Games

Just finished reading Embed With Games by Cara Ellison. This was written by a journalist who took a year off to travel. She visited independent game developers all over the world and shared her experiences. You would think that I would like this based on that setup. Unfortunately, I did not.

Part of the problem may have been that Cara is a Scot having lived in Britain. So there is a culture gap there. She also compares and seems to expect that you know about a bunch of games out there. I mostly do not, so that was all lost on me.

The other weird thing is what Cara focuses on in this book. A lot of it is her itinerary and her beliefs on what makes for a great indie game. I am not so interested in that. I was hoping to hear the details of independent game development all over the world. Did not seem to get a lot of that.

By the end of the book, I was looking forward to moving on to my next book to read. Not good. Not good at all.

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