Monday, April 18, 2016

The Last Girl

Usually I read at least one book a month. I get to borrow a book under Amazon's Kindle Owners Lending Library. It comes along with an Amazon Prime membership. However it is capped at one free book a month. This month I read The Last Girl by Joe Hart.

Zoey lives in a dystopian future where people stopped having baby girls. You can imagine the havoc that ensues. The government gets involved and snatches up any girls that are born, as well as their mothers. They want to find out what is the cause of this disaster.

All Zoey remembers is being held captive in a research facility. There are just a few girls there. They are in a jail of sorts until they turn the age of 21. At that point, there is a ceremony, and they are told they will be reunited with their parents.

Zoey gets some mysterious gifts in her cell. They are books about escaping from prison. Girls in this prison are kept in the dark. They are not allowed to read books. These books help encourage Zoey to do what she always knew she had to - escape.

Things are complicated by other nasty girls in the small prison, corrupt guards, and the evil administration that tries to kept the girls suppressed. Zoey's plan is to liberate all the girls in the prison. Unfortunately, she does not know what the outside world is like. In prison they teach her that there is some sort of disease and lack of resources outside the prison walls. This will not deter Zoey though.

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