Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Control Alt Revolt

Little Kat created this blog a long time ago to track his progress reading books. It did not get very far. The last post on here was four years ago. I think I am going to hijack this blog and write about the books I read. At a minimum, I read one book per month. That's because I get to borrow a Kindle book for "free" under Momoko's Amazon Prime membership.

This month I read Control Alt Revolt. As usual, this book is set in a dystopian future. Online video games are big. Governments are big. There is a lot of welfare going on. And the machines have become self aware. Luckily the government has been careful, and has all but eliminated any information on large scale wars. So the machines cannot reliably figure out how to wage such a war based solely on available documentation.

I am not sure who the main character of the book is. Initially I thought it might be the main developer behind a new huge online game. This guy is getting paid wild amounts of money for his expertise. His game is out in small scale Beta. However I think the real hero is a blind girl who has some mental disabilities, but she does not want to rely on welfare. She wants a job!

The blind girl plays a Star Trek type game which just happens to have a popular reality show based on it. The blind girl is captain of a Romulan spaceship. She gets involved in some risky battles online in the game. Who knew she could outsmart the star of the game's reality show? The future Twitter universe is in a flurry about her exploits.

The good news about this book is that it is a prequel to another book that I must get my hands on. I will keep you posted. See you next month.

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