Friday, April 29, 2016

Sex Drugs and UNIX

My latest Amazon Prime rental was Sex Drugs and UNIX. It was a bit confusing to start reading because the narrator kept changing every chapter. Things did get good and easier to comprehend in the middle of the book.

Some dude becomes the president of a tech company. The boys are writing some software. The president hires a junior marketing employees. Then he hires the VP of sales. The problem is that the VP is a slacker. He is just there to embezzle money and get some severance.

Luckily the junior marketing employee is good and warns the president of his mistake. They need to build a case against the VP and get him fired. That's the part of the book I really liked. It felt like a real life startup company with all the politics and drama.

Of course, the dealings with the venture capitalists was a part of the story. The book danced around, bringing in the stories of the assorted narrators. One of the other funny parts of the book was when the tech team rallied against a different company president. Let's just say that the president got his revenge.

You would think because this book is right up my alley, that I would love it. I only liked it. Was not a slam dunk. Luckily my next read was top notch.

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