Thursday, December 14, 2023

Last Night at the Lobster

This is the first book I read by Stewart O'Nan. It chronicles the final day that a Red Lobster restaurant is open. It closes for good the next day. Manny is the manager and main character. He is taking 4 or 5 other people to his next job at Olive Garden. Only a skeleton crew reports to work on the last day. A couple people desert the team during the day.

Manny seems to continue to be in love with coworker Jacquie. Unfortunately she has moved on. Manny actually has a girlfriend who he got pregnant. He does not think he will ever marry this new girlfriend. He keeps trying to reconnect with Jacquie. But she has a new man now.

The lunchtime crowd is pretty good. There is one group of women with a nasty kid. There is a large group doing a retirement party. After lunch, a lone older couple comes and eats. The power goes off on them briefly. A bus comes later. But it is just people who need to use the bathroom.

The author has written a short book at under 150 pages. He has the ability to write about minimal plot, but can get you to know and love the characters we meet. I have already ordered 4 more books written by this guy. Look for more updates here.

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