Friday, December 1, 2023

Beautiful Outlaw

This book outlines the personal side of Jesus Christ. Different stories from the Bible are studied, with emphasis on Jesus' character. For example, he meets a Samaritan woman at a well. Normally the Jewish people did not associate with anybody from Samaria. Jesus asks the woman to draw him some water. She asks why should she. He says that he can offer her water which, if drank, will mean she will never be thirsty again.

Jesus later asks this woman to bring her husband to the well. She replies she has no husband. Jesus knows all. He tells her it is true that the man she is with is not her husband. He also informs her he knows she had 5 husbands in the past.

The Samaritan woman acknowledges that Jesus is at least some sort of Jewish prophet. She also seems to know a thing or two. She tells Jesus that a messiah will be coming who will be able to answer all her questions. Jesus responds that he is that messiah.

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