Saturday, September 17, 2022


Election is a book about an election for high school president. There are a host of characters running as candidates. Paul is the jock. His sister is the anarchy type wildcard. Tracy is a hard worker with little to no friends. The funny thing is that the adults are the best characters in the story.

There is one teacher who is having an affair with Tracy. He gets found out and is gone immediately. Then there is Mister M, who I think is the main character. He teaches history. He also has an affair, but with a friend of the family whose husband left her. Mister M is one of the teachers who helps run the election.

There is some drama as Tracy goes into school one weekend and defaces Paul's election posters. Paul's sister takes the blame to aid in her making a case to transfer to a private Catholic school. Paul is also dating a girl that used to date his sister. Paul's girlfriend becomes his campaign manager.

The highlight of the book is the counting of the votes for the election. Paul voted for Tracy. And that put her ahead by 2 votes. Mister M did not like Tracy or her campaign manager. So he cheats and secretly tosses out 2 votes for Tracy into the trash. The next day, he is found out.

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