Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Warren Buffet - In His Own Words

This book is a compilation of sayings from Warren Buffet. He has a certain theory on stock investing. In general, he wants to buy stock in a company and keep it forever. The companies he is interested in are ones that can be profitable now and 100 years from now. He tries to compute the value of a company, and buy as much stock in the company when the price is a lot less than the value.

Buffet says that his investments are at a huge scale. It is hard for him to make huge gains based on how much stock he is purchasing. However for a regular investor, he thinks there is ample opportunity at a small scale to really clean up financially.

Buffet plans to give away the majority of his riches when he dies. He has partnered with Bill Gates to distribute the funds to worthy causes. Buffet's kids won't get rich from their dad's money.

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