Sunday, March 7, 2021

Small Fry

This book is by Lisa Brennan-Jobs. She is the first child of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. She was originally raised by her single mother Chris. Steve Jobs denied that she was his daughter. Chris and Lisa were in poverty. They moved from place to place, sleeping on peoples' couches. They were on welfare in the early years.

Eventually the state sued Steve Jobs to collect the money they were paying. The state also sued Steve Jobs to provide child support. Lisa's mother and father were never married. Lisa's mom did seem to suffer from a lot of mental problems. Eventually, Lisa lived half time with her mom, and the other half Steve Jobs and her stepmother.

Steve Jobs got rich when Apple Computer were public. Rich as in worth hundreds of millions, back in a time when 1 million dollars was a lot of money. He also profited off of Pixar, which he also owned. He owned multiple houses that cost a lot of money. This book shows that he withheld money from Lisa and her mom. It seems like that was done to exert power over them.

This book takes you from Lisa's youngest years up until the death of Steve Jobs. It was quite a read. Lot of disturbing info about the abuse at the hands of Steve Jobs. I did learn a lot about Lisa, who is often overlooked when the story of her father is told.

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