Friday, February 26, 2021

Still Standing

This book is by Maryland governor Larry Hogan. He starts by recounting how he found out he had aggressive late stage cancer. Then we go back to start where he grew up in Maryland. He went to a local Catholic high school. Then his parents got divorced. He moved to Florida with his mom. Eventually he returned to Maryland.

Larry goes on to recount how he met his wife, who was a Korean single mom with three daughters. He also chronicles how he, a Republican, won the governor race in a state that is around 80% democrats. A couple months after he was elected, big city Baltimore in Maryland had bad riots. He had to step in when the mayor of Baltimore was slacking.

The book goes on to recount Larry's win of a second term as governor. There are times when he seems pitted against Donald Trump as Trump runs and wins the presidential election. And he has to deal with the onset of COVID-19. He uses his wife's connections to purchase 500k of COVID testing kits from Korea.

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