Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thirsty for Payback

Just powered through Thirst for Payback. Our heroine is Allyson Roberts. Book starts out and she is at the top of her game. Just got engaged to a rich guy. She herself is even richer because her dad has invented all kinds of power generating technology. Allyson is graduating from a top notch university with top notch grades. Even lined up a sweet job.

Then disaster strikes. Her dad is charged with some crimes he did not commit. Her boyfriend's family thinks it is best to postpone their engagement. Employer backs out of the job offer. What is a girl to do? Find out who framed her father. And give them their just due.

I could see all the trouble coming for Allyson. It was painful how hard and far she fell when things went south. But author Marie Astor seems to write about women who might encounter misfortune, but who dig deep and come out on top through hard work. Adversity will not keep these ladies down.

Will not give away the whole plot. But Allyson gets hired to join a covert organization. She first passes their rigorous training. Then she uses her skills and the company resources to find out who set her dad up. Almost feel sorry for the schmucks who crossed Allyson's dad. They will get their payback.

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