Monday, May 16, 2016

Death Shows Up

I did not realize that Death Shows Up is book 7 in a long series. Main character Julia owns a small cleaning business. One of her clients, who is also a friend, asks Julia to accompany her to a weight loss meeting. Turns out the meeting place got usurped by a drama club. Julia's friend ends up landing the leading role in a play the drama club is putting on.

Trouble is, the playwright ends up dead after a couple practices. And Julia's friend is one of the prime suspects. Even Julia's dad is a suspect, as he joined the drama club and is in the play. The cops apparently know Julia, and tell her to steer clear of the investigation. However once it seems as though her friend is getting set up to take the murder wrap, Julia gets down to business.

Of course Julia ends up suspecting some dead ends before piecing together the puzzle. Unfortunately the murderer learns of Julia's progress and has her pegged to die next. What is an amateur sleuth to do?

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