Friday, May 17, 2024

The Odds

This is another book from my new favorite author Stewart O'Nan. It features Art and Marion. They are a couple that are headed for divorce. Their house is going to be foreclosed on. They decided to make one last trip back to Niagara Falls. And their plan is to bet what little money they have left for a chance to salvage their finances, and in turn, their marriage.

Art apparently had cheated with Wendy. Marion also cheated with another woman. One of their kids is getting married imminently. They have not told anybody about them losing their house or their plans for divorce. Art wants to rekindle the love they had when they previously went to Niagara. Marion is not so sure about the whole thing.

The couple find it crowded. They went to Niagara at Valentines Day. Art was mad that some exhibits are total rip offs. He also gets miffed when they give away the table he reserved at a big restaurant. Art has a technique to keep doubling down on losses at roulette. He tried it successfully online. He finds Marion is luckier that him at first.

Their goal is to double their money. Then they can put off the foreclosure. Art gets sick when they are at their last day. He still tries to keep betting. Eventually Marion fills in while he tries to go to the bathroom. Art returns and takes back over as Marion's nerves are shot. They make a big bet, and are capped by a new house maximum.

It all came down to this last spin. Turns out they won. Stewart O'Nan declares that they already won.

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