Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Over Her Dead Body

Ashley is an aspiring actress. But she does not have much to show after living in LA for seven years. Her dog gets loose one night. She chases her pupper into the yard of a former casting agent named Louisa. Now Lousia is rich but estranged from her children.

Louisa concocts a plan to have Ashley audition for a role. But Louisa uses the audio to fake her own death. Louisa has modified her will to leave everything to Ashley. When Ashley finds out that she was tricked, she is seething. Ashley recalls a prior script that matched Louisa's plan. So she figures out Louisa is hiding in a bunker under the house. Ashley makes sure the air duct to the bunker is blocked.

Louisa's children figure out their mom is down in the bunker. They go down to find their mom dead. Turns out Charlie, Louisa's oldest, is having problems with his wife. The wife thought all the money went to Louisa's children, so she plots to lock the kids and Louisa down in the bunker. The wife also plans to get all the inheritance and live instead with Charlie's cousin.

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