Sunday, May 14, 2023

Startup Land

This book tells the story of startup Zendesk. It was created by three guys in Dennmark. They created a software as a service for help desks. That is, you sign up for their product online. You pay for it online. There was initially not any heavy sales people involved.

The CEO is the narrator of the story. They had trouble getting funding in Dennmark. So they got an initial investment from a company in Boston. The 3 guys moved to Boston with their families to be close to their venture capitalist investor. That lasted for about a summer.

Later, the company had bigger follow on investments from venture capitalist firms in California. They moved to San Francisco to be close to those firms plus other startups. They eventually did an IPO and$9 a share. The share jumped up 50% on day 1, and quickly went up 100%.

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