Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Something Happened

This book is about fictional character Bob Slocum. Bob works as a low level executive in a company in Connecticut. He does not like his boss, and the boss does not allow Bob to speak during the annual company meeting. Bob is a shoe-in for a promotion with a man he seems friendly with.

At home, Bob is married to an attractive stay at home mom. Bob dreams of divorcing her. Bob has a daughter who wants to drive. His middle child is a son who has troubles in gym, making friends, and understanding money. Bob's youngest is a disabled and retarded kid who needs a constant nurse.

When Bob started working, he thought he was in love with a secretary he flirted with. He was never able to bed this secretary because he did not know how to arrange it. He did save her once from being raped by two other employees. Later when Bob looked her up, he found she had committed suicide.

Bob's middle son stops talking to him, which disturbs Bob. His wife seems to keep getting drunk in the middle of the day. He worried about the success of his daughter. For some reason, Bob also dreams of killing himself.

Bob eventually gets the promotion. Bob's wife is mad that he had to replace an executive that Bob actually liked. Bob puts his wife in charge of finding them a bigger and more expensive house to move into. He buys his daughter a car to drive. Bob finds his power increasing at work, and threatens other powerful executives including his old boss.

The book culminates with Bob stepping in when a crazy secretary has a melt down. He directs the situation calmly, resulting in a round of applause when the secretary is led away by medical. Bob's troubles seem to fade away.

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