Thursday, December 2, 2021

Takedown - The Pusuit and Capture of Kevin Mitnick

Shimomura has his computers hacked. He is a self proclaimed security expert. So he tries to find out who did it. He has some trails left behind by the hacker. He needs to go around the USA to get help from other sites used in the hack. He also needs the help from the FBI to perform "the takedown".

This guy is not a likeable dude. He was unable to graduate from high school or college. Yet he thinks everyone is stupid compared to himself. This big headed attitude extends to his views on the FBI. I don't think there is a doubt that his computers were hacked. But the guy lacks credibility. Who knows whether Kevin Mitnick was the one who did it.

Shimomura spends a lot of time trying to describe what is essentially an affair he is having with a girl. This really has no bearing on the hacking story. In the end, the FBI descends upon Mitnick, who is on parole and is already in trouble for some other crimes. As as aside, the book is co-authored by John Markoff, who previously wrote a book and New York Times articles on Mitnick.

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