Sunday, November 29, 2020

Broken Lines

An EMP blast has killed all power and electronics. People devolve in Mike's neighborhood. Many demand that he share the food he has stored away for such an event. Luckily, he has an old Jeep that survived the EMP blast. He also has a cabin in the woods that should be safe from the neighborhood.

Unfortunately there is a biker gang set up in a town close to Mike's cabin. And the gang members are really bad people. Mike and his family will have to wage war against the gang. The battle begins when Mike's daughter sneaks out and tries to take on the gang herself.

Mike finds a farmer close to his cabin. The farmer has gone crazy like the people from Mike's old neighborhood. The farmer wants to kill everybody in Mike's cabin, and steal Mike's stash of ammo. Luckily, the farmer's son Billy, who initially shot at Mike to scare him off, decides that it would be wrong to wipe out good people like Mike.

Eventually Mike and his family travel to a big city that allegedly has regained some power. Wouldn't you know it? The city is run by the troops that work for an evil guy who wants to essentially take over the USA. They just enlisted Mike because he is a survivor and a warrior.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Limited Wish

This book is the second in the Impossible Time series. I confess that I did not read the first book. Nick is the main character. He is a math prodigy whose father passed away. Nick also has cancer. He previously met a man who went by the name Demus, who claims to be Nick from a future time.

Nick finds a professor who is brilliant. Nick stages a sit in on one of the professor's classes. He alerts the professor to an error in some of his calculations. Then Nick proceeds to correct them and add insight of his own. The grand thing about this is that Nick is in middle school. He immediately gets admitted to college under tutelage of this professor.

Previous Nick was dating the beautiful Mia. It seems Mia has a new boyfriend who is an actor. Nick gets into trouble with some of the big college boys. Another girl, Helen, appears and saves Nick. These are the two girls Nick is attracted to. He wants to get back with Mia. He is also interested in Helen, who has a perfect boyfriend in college.

Nick sees somebody else who looks like Helen. She is chased by phantoms that Nick blocks as she gets away. This starts a bad luck streak where it seems Nick is doomed to die. Turns out this girl is the future daughter of Nick and Helen, who has come into the past to right some wrongs related to time travel.

The books starts out with a lot of British slang which I had a hard time following. I got past it though. There were a lot of interesting ideas in this book, like being able to see a lot of possible futures happening at once. It also touches on how going back in time and changing things can affect things which seem to have already happened.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox

Artemis Fowl's mom is deathly sick. He tries to use some magic to heal her. Too bad he fails. And he loses the magic ability he gained as well. The disease is identified. Only some fluid from a certain type of lemur can cure his mom. But they have been extinct for many years.

Artemis enlists the help of his pixie friend Holly. Together they travel back in time. It just so happens that a younger Artemis had sold the last lemur of its kinds a long time ago. Artemis and Holly need to go back, steal that lemur from Artemis' younger self, and return to the present.

They run into some trouble. Another evil pixie has determined that if she gets the lemur, she can obtain ultimate power. They also need to deal with an evil man who wants to kill the lemur to end its race. We meet 10 year old Artemis in the past. He is just as crafty as the Artemis of today. This makes the theft extremely difficult.