Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Caching In: A Geocaching Love Story

Ally Cooper has dumped her cheating boyfriend. She wasted many years on him. She works with her best friend Chelsea at a bank. Chelsea has work luck in love, as she was dating a guy that recently got engaged to another woman. To make matters worse, Ally's friend Chelsea got pregnant.

Ally is into fitness. On one hike, she met some people who turned her on to geocaching. This is a game where you try to go find caches that people hide around the world. While on her first caching trip, she meets Seth, a good looking guy that works at a bed and breakfast.

Ally would like to get a promotion at work. However her boss seems to want her to have sex with him to get the promotion. Eventually Ally's friend Chelsea also tries to get the same promotion. And Chelsea is desperate due to the impending pregnancy.

The main love story revolves around Seth's past marriage, and we come to find out he had a daughter through that marriage that died. This makes it difficult for Seth to commit to any new relationship, as he continues to grieve the loss of his daughter. Strangely enough, Seth and his ex-wife are still good friends.

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