Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Emily the Strange - the Lost Days

In this story we meet Earwig. She seems to have lost her memory. She is in a strange town. When she gets hungry, she goes to a diner and ends up doing odd jobs for food. She sleeps in a makeshift box behind the café.

Earwig gets evidence that her real name is Molly. She goes back home in the middle of the book to meet her two parents. They have lot of documentation, including pictures and video, of Molly growing up with them. Somehow all this sounds wrong to Earwig. Eventually she figures she cannot be Molly.

Later Earwig gets in touch with the real Molly. She also returned to the town she woke up in with her memory gone. She then finds out she is related to the original owner of the diner, who is deceased. Things heat up when we find out that owner and some rich kids in town were from two different fighting clans.

Earwig needs to find a way to protect the ownership of the diner. One of the rich kids is trying to take possession of it by any means necessary. And it seems in this town, bribes help get things done. I need to read some more books about this Earwig, or as she is properly known, Emily the Strange.

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