Monday, August 12, 2019

Prince Lestat

This book is about the vampire Lestat. However it is also about Amel, an ancient spirit that gave birth to vampires everywhere. Amel continues to exist in a vampire host body. Amel give the vampires their power. However it turns out that Amel wants out, and into a newer vampire host body.

A young vampire named Benji is broadcasting from New York. He is asking the old vampires to assemble in order to combat the spirit Amel. He specifically wants Lestat to come, even though Lestat is not one of the truly old vampires.

We meet another ancient spirit, and find out the he and his comrades are the original driving force behind the group called the Talamasca. And the vampire chronicles go on. I picked up another Anne Rice book on the cheap at a used book store.

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