Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mirror Mirror

Let's get this out of the way first. "Mirror Mirror" is a book by model Cara Delevinge. It is her first novel. In this book, main character Red (nicknamed because of her hair) has a tough life. Her dad is running off with some mistresses all the time. Her mother is a severe alcoholic. And her little sister is suffering from the family turmoil.

For a while, Red seeks solace in a band formed at her school. There is a super hot girl, Rose, who is the lead singer. Then there is Leo, whose brother is a criminal who has gone to jail but is getting released. And then there is Naomi (Nai for short). By the time the book opens, Nai has been missing and turns up in the river. Nai is not dead, but is severely injured and is in a coma.

Red teams up with Nai's sister Ashley (Ash) to figure out what happened to Nai. Although Nai led a troubled life previously, things were looking up for her after the band got together. Initially Nai's disappearance was chalked up to a girl running away from home. However clues start to point towards some foul play type of abduction.

There are some tragedies in the midst of this book. For example, Leo's criminal brother tries to get Leo to assist with a murder. And Red falls for her best friend, and mistakes that friendship for love. The main plot sticks to the search for what happened to Nai. In the process, Red solidifies her true self and attempts to lead the resolution of problems in her own family's life.

This was quite a book to read. Nice suspenseful plot and some pretty decent character development. At first I thought this was an autobiography. I have since decided it is just fiction. I wonder if Delevinge had a ghost writer produce the text.

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