Monday, November 26, 2018

Blood, Sweat, and Pixels

This books takes a look behind the scenes of game development. Here are the games we find out about:
  • Pillars of Eternity
  • Uncharted 4
  • Stardew Valley
  • Diablo III
  • Halo Wars
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Shovel Knight
  • Destiny
  • The Witcher 3
  • Stars Wars 1313
There were many lessons learned here. You can develop a game by yourself. It might take 5 years and be very lonely. You can also do a startup with your pals. You will be hurting for money and it will also take you a very long time. Sometimes the game will be cancelled.

A big time to demo your games is E3. Often times you need to change the game significantly after a demo. It is dangerous to rely on an unproven framework. It is beneficial to target new consoles as they will have much more power.

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