Monday, November 26, 2018

Blood, Sweat, and Pixels

This books takes a look behind the scenes of game development. Here are the games we find out about:
  • Pillars of Eternity
  • Uncharted 4
  • Stardew Valley
  • Diablo III
  • Halo Wars
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Shovel Knight
  • Destiny
  • The Witcher 3
  • Stars Wars 1313
There were many lessons learned here. You can develop a game by yourself. It might take 5 years and be very lonely. You can also do a startup with your pals. You will be hurting for money and it will also take you a very long time. Sometimes the game will be cancelled.

A big time to demo your games is E3. Often times you need to change the game significantly after a demo. It is dangerous to rely on an unproven framework. It is beneficial to target new consoles as they will have much more power.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Scrappy Little Nobody

Just ready Scrappy Little Nobody. It is an autobiography by Anna Kendrick. She had a small part in the Twilight movies series as a high school friend of Bella. She is best known for her role in Pitch Perfect. Anna tells her story from being a little kid up until now.

I liked how Anna spoke to you with her words in the book. She was pretty funny at times. There are surprisingly realistic details such as the time when evil Tori usurped Anna and turned the girls of Anna's sleepover club against her.

Also, Anna tells of a trip she took on a boat to some type of festival. They sailed past some very rough seas. Everyone got sick and scared. Anna fell for her friend's hot brother during that trip. She thought she might be able to score a hookup with the bro. Did not turn out that way.

Only person who knows how to talk to you via prose better than Anna Kendrick is Mindy Kaling.