Thursday, October 18, 2018

Repo Madness

Repo Madness is the sequel to The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man. This time around Ruddy finds his fiancé moving out to take a break. His boss has died. And Ruddy's brother-in-law has taken over the repo business.

Ruddy finds that although he initially did not like his brother-in-law, the guy is actually a stand up kind of dude. He gets Ruddy a new tow truck. And he comes through in the tough times for Ruddy.

Ruddy does have some tough times. A new court ordered psychiatrist is insisting that Ruddy stay medicated. Otherwise he will be in violation of his parole and will be locked up. He also discovered evidence that he man not have involuntarily killed a woman long ago. Instead it seems some other perpetrators committed the crime. Ruddy investigates.

Bruce Cameron, the author of the book, is best known for other books on dogs such as A Dog's Journey. I absolutely love his writing. Other books just pale in comparison. There is yet another sequel available only online called The Midnight Dog of the Repo Man. I will surely be getting that.

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