Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why Not Me

This is Mindy's second book. I recommend her last book too. Mindy is really funny. Obviously she knows how to write. It is her profession. I feel like I am getting to know her better by reading her books. I want her to write some more.

Mindy has a section in this book where she puts together a hypothetical story if she had turned out to be a teacher. Good stuff while she stocks another older teacher on the staff. The real laughs is when she sprinkles in some chatter from her hypothetical friend who works on Wall Street.

The book also has a section where she met president Obama and starting to fall for one of his bodyguards. LOL. Typical Mindy Kaling. Later parts of the book talk about her weight, and America's obsession with it. The closer is hard hitting information on how to really be confident.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Steve Wozniak - Inventor of the Apple Computer

This is a short book. Comes in just over 100 pages. It is a good overview of Woz's life. Of course I liked that part about his cofounding Apple Corporation. And his work on the Apple computers was genius. Not as interested in his attempts to put on music festivals.

The one thing that resonates in this and other books about Woz was that he is a nice guy. In this case, the nice guy does not finish last. Woz is rich. And he is loved by fans like me. He is the consummate engineer and hacker.

The bonus is that I purchased a used copy of this book and found that it was a signed copy. Woz actually signed my book. Not actually all that rare. But I consider it a treasure. Just wished he signed my copy of iWoz though.

Creativity, Inc.

Could not finish this book. Too boring. I am a Pixar fan. Loved the last book I read about Pixar by the former CFO. It had all the juicy details about Steve Jobs, the great minds behind Pixar, and going public. This book was a management text on how to achieve great results like Pixar. Unfortunately it was a dud.

Normally I finish books that I start. Not this one. Like is too start to endure the pain of reading past page 100. I am surprised I made it this far. Just goes to show you that even with an exciting subject such as Pixar, you can fail if you do not have the writing chops.