Friday, September 9, 2016


Jeremy, the devil, is stuck here on earth. And his neighbor is the archangel Michael. In this episode of the series, Jeremy has a pet monkey who is trouble. Together they abduct a baby and take care of her. They actually learn to love her. And then the baby's family comes to retrieve her.

Michael is off on his own adventures. He was previously self-employed as an app developer. Now he is working in secret church funded lab doing who knows what. He apparently also discovered that he is gay and has asked his boyfriend to move in with him.

Ben continues to be a taxidermist, stuffing little creatures and putting them on display in his bookstore. Nerys hates her job at the job agency and it shows. Turns out she gets fired after getting in trouble (due to Jeremy's antics of course).

The whole flat gets destroyed as Jeremy and his monkey go to war with each other. The motely crew of Jeremy, Ben, and Nerys run around looking for free housing. During their adventures they run into the CEO of the church/firm where Michael is working. Hilarity ensues.

This was a very funny book indeed. Who knew the devil could cause so much trouble?

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